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Some Grease monkey Scripts

First install grease monkey from the following Link :

Then you can install the following Scripts:

Orkut Spam Text Filter - Removes all forum text and event links to with ALL UPPER CASE subjects and subjects with consecutive exclamation marks.

SpamBlockerPlus! - Acaba com os spams do Orkut

Orkut ProfileTasks - Adds a context menu with useful task links for each Profile link on

LastPageInTopic - Adds a direct link to the last page of a topic in Orkut forums. Based on Alex Laier's FastScrapBook

Orkut Zoom Album
- Replaces small images on album overview page with larger versions. It also updates the table so there is one large image per row.

Orkut My ScrapBook Link
- Adds a link to your scrapbook at the top of every orkut page

Orkut enhancer level 2 Enhancer - Display Links to Albums and Scrapbooks for each profile

RebeldeKUT - Orkut Vers�o Rebelde

FastScrapBook - Adiciona dois links extras em cada link de profile de orkut, um para escrever no ScrapView e outro para o album de fotos

Orkut textbox enlarger - Enlarges the textbox for posting messages on orkut forums

ezTopicBrowsing - Inserts an option to directly goto the last page of a topic on orkut communities

orkut one click scrap - just one click to view your friends scrapbook.

orkut one click scrap v 2.0 - just one click to view your friends scrapbook.

Scrapbook and Album Viewer - Adds one link to fast scrapbook writing and album viewing in website

FSOrkut - Font color, bold, italic, underlinde, emoticons and links on your profile about and community description

Communities - Automatic addition of all communities in orkut (max 1000). Start the script by opening a community.

Edited HiNew Scrap! :) - Informs you when you reciee a new scrap or a new friend enters Orkut

Braskut light - Version Of Brazil of Orkut light

Braskut - Version Of Brazil of Orkut

Open Images Orkut - Swap src images (http://) for https://

orkut scrapbook enlarger - Enlarges the textbox for posting in orkut scrapbooks

Orkut Scrap Helper - Scrap those who have scrapped you in a single step! It creates a Text box besides each scrap so that the user can directly scrap the person without actually going to the other person's scrapbook

Orkut Time - Shows Orkut times and dates in the local timezone and with the user's locale.

Orkut Paulinho-Connelly Replacer - Replaces the photos of some loser with a random image of the beautiful Jennifer Connelly.

Orkut Single Click - Single Click Access To Various Possible Options In Orkut.

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